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My First Blog!!

 Hello! This is my first ever blog post and I was thinking what's better for it than to talk about my experiences with becoming an uncle!  It's been so surreal seeing my sisters give life to incredible humans. Its exceptionally weird because I grew up with them! I saw them in high school in their most awkward moments, and now they're parents What's up with that? But overall I've enjoyed being an uncle it's a fun balance because I can enjoy all the fun parts of hanging out with a baby, and not necessarily have any responsibility towards them!  My sisters live very far away from me, one of them lives in Kansas and the other lives in Tennessee. And its hard because I never get to see my niece and nephew but I always want to see them as much as I can. I want them to grow up and live a great life doing whatever they want! And I would like to be someone they look up to and come to for things. I would love to be a great Christian role model for them and help bring them

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